Microsoft Teams – More Free Tools (from Microsoft, MVPs and Community)

The list here adds a few contributions to my previous post ( where I have listed a few of the amazing tools that members of the Microsoft Community have created, which are extremely helpful for every Microsoft Teams administrator

I hope (again) that the list I wrote here (as limited as it is) will be useful to find “what you need, when you need it”


“Convert-RibbonSbcConfigToWord.ps1” takes the backup file from your Sonus/Ribbon SBC 1000/2000/SWeLite gateway and creates a new Word document, with all of the important configuration information captured in tables

Author: Greig Sheridan (@greiginsydney)

Find available phone numbers with Get-TeamsNumbers.ps1

A PowerShell routine to find the next available number in a number range and at the same time know how many numbers you have left.

Author: Ståle Hansen (@StaleHansen)

How to use Lightweight Bot and Azure Automation to interact with Teams Call Queue

How to give end-users a way to interact, change or update a Teams Auto Attendant or a Call Queue without the need to use the Teams Admin Center or PowerShell and without any Admin roles.

Author: Luca Vitali (@Luca_Vitali)

Self-service Microsoft Teams Auto Attendant Administration

Creates forms that users can fill out to update holiday opening hours and greeting for your Auto Attendants.

Author: Alexander Holmeset (@AlexHolmeset)

Teams Network Planner Automated

A script that automatically uploads the CSV file to the Network Planner. You only need to manually go into the Teams Admin Portal to get a token in developer mode.

Author: Alexander Holmeset (@AlexHolmeset)

This site aims to keep track of the -current- Official Microsoft PowerShell modules to administer Microsoft 365 and Azure

Author: Andrés Gorzelany (@AndresGorzelany)