Teams – Quick Guide to Meeting Policies

When I started looking at the Meeting Policies for Teams some time ago, I thought that the whole explanation was a bit convoluted. The most recent documentation from Microsoft does a decent job in explaining the policies but still misses a quick overview of them.

I started this quick guide for myself, but I suppose it could be useful for others too

Starting with the basic idea, policies have an “implementation type” (a scope is probably the best definition)

  • Per-organizer When you implement a per-organizer policy, all meeting participants inherit the policy of the organizer
  • Per-user When you implement a per-user policy, only the per-user policy applies to restrict certain features for the organizer and/or meeting participants
  • Per-organizer and per-user When you implement a combination of a per-organizer and per-user policy, certain features are restricted for meeting participants based on their policy and the organizer’s policy

Now, I took the Meeting Policies screen in the Teams Admin Center with the default settings and added a quick overview

Meeting policy settings – General
Meeting policy settings – Audio & video
Meeting policy settings – Content sharing
Meeting policy settings – Participants & guests

Note: to deep dive each policy, this is the most up to date documentation: