I have just completed the beta version of the MS-720 exam. As for every beta exam, I have no final result (at the moment).
I can not share details about the questions but I think a list of the topics (and the importance I think they have) could help you prepare for it.
Questions: 51
Scenarios: 2
Questions with no rollback: 1 group
Topics – Importance for the exam from 1 (low) to 10 (high):
- Call Queues – Auto Attendants: 8
- Calling Plans: 6
- Debugging – Troubleshooting: 4
- Audio Conferencing: 8
- Direct routing: 10
- Emergency calling: 6
- Licensing (related to Teams telephony): 8
- Local Media Optimisation: 2
- Media Bypass: 4
- Normalisation Rules – Regular Expressions: 6
- Operator connect: 1
- Survivable Branch Appliance (SBA) for Direct Routing: 4
- Teams Network Topology: 2