Microsoft Teams – Auto Attendant – Redirecting Calls When No Selection is Made in the IVR (Interactive Voice Response) Menu

When configuring a new Auto Attendant in Microsoft Teams, enabling the operator option is possible. According to Microsoft documentation, “The operator can be defined as any of the other destinations in this list.” Set up a Microsoft Teams Auto attendant – Microsoft Teams | Microsoft Learn

One could assume that by simply defining an operator, any call where the caller does not select an option would be directly transferred to the operator.

However, there are some important details to note:

  • The Operator must also be assigned to the key selection 0 in the menu (note: the role ‘operator’, not the specific user, as illustrated below).
  • The menu will repeat three times before the call is redirected to the operator, a Microsoft default setting that cannot be altered.
  • The voice message stating, “Let me transfer you to the operator” is also a default and cannot be replaced with a custom message.
  • If the Auto Attendant is initially set up without an operator and one is added later, it may take several hours for the configuration to take effect.

I hope this information is helpful, as I could not locate any official documentation with the details on enabling automatic redirection.

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